Water and sun, two basic elements to maintain a lush garden. Or so I used to think. I have gotten to evaluate my gardening skills over the course of the last 20 days and I have come to know that I have a lot to learn. It all started when the Bennett's took me for a tour and said water this every day, this every other day, this once a week and this when you feel like it. She said not to worry, I'll write it down. closed quote I come for my first day on the job and the note reads, "thanks so much call if you have any questions." So I have been going off the 2 days I've spent riding in a spud truck for all my gardening knowledge. Back to the tour, Mark told me to be careful with the huge sunflower because it may bite. He meant to be joking but it looked big enough to eat me so I was a little skittish. After 2 weeks, I woke up with the idea of doing some yard work only to see the sunflower was tipped over. The head of the flower had to be at least 2 feet across. So I pulled it out, fearing for my life that it may somehow bite me. It was one of those things where it was so big that it possibly could have had a life. I can still feel the fear even though it's been dead for a week and has produced my first line of sunflower seeds, which by the way have received rave reviews from my banking buddies...or just buddy. Now the idea of the living sunflower stuck in my mind as two remained. After work one day I found that one had sort of folded over so I got some string and tied it to the other one who I named the ox of all wild weeds. So the little one was tied to the ox and before I know it, bam, sunflower to the face. The wee one folded again and nailed me in the face. I was sure I would end up with a bump or bruise, but I guess I'm too tough for that.
Then yesterday I was frantic as the squash seemed to be overtaking the world. I ended up taking out the last sunflower (the ox) and in that process it flipped out and kicked dirt all over me and down my shoe. Are they alive? I beg to differ. Alright, I've conquered the sunflowers and moved onto the tomatoes. I started wrangling them up and tying them up. I was on my 4Th lasso or so when I set the string on the fence. Next thing I know, the string is gone and I was still full of a tying desire. The thought crossed my mind to just pull all the string back over since I did have one end still, but after pulling it appeared there was no hope. I kept on tying and decided I might have to go for a commando raid late at night because I was not going to hop the fence and ask for my string back. The neighbor is to the back so I had no idea what street they were on but even still, I didn't want to talk to anyone about my falling string.
I did my duty watering that night and I saw that I piece of my string was dangling. I was sort of angry and thought those pukes cut off my string and threw the end back over. They made out with a lot of my string. I pulled the end and started to follow it only to see that it ended up back at my toes where the roll was thrown back over. I was grateful for the neighbor's kind deed because I did not want to explain dead plants, missing shrubs and lost string to the rightful owners. I slept well knowing that my string had found the way home. Moral of the story is, if there was ever a time for my farmer john shirt, this month would be the time. Now I'm headed to eBay for straw hats.
where do you come up with this stuff? i'm glad to hear that bruise on the side of your neck is from the sunflower and not some nameless lady friend. kidding mom, there's no buise :)
Oh how I wish the hit would have been to my neck, it was my left eye area, I thought I was going to have to give it up or just live with a crazy eye, you know, gets kicked by a mule, goes crosseyed, falls in a well, eyes go back.
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