28 July 2008

Get your motors revvvvved up!

The 90, Bonnie, my 114,007 (and counting) mile jewel, call her what you want but my blessed 1990 Pontiac Bonneville SE is getting geared up for a road trip. Over the course of the last week I have somehow convinced my friend that Spud Day (http://www.ci.shelley.id.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={DEA6ABE7-C756-4E7A-A2E6-D36D82104191}&DE={6A08157A-D374-4EF4-BBA5-A5CBE5CBB46D}) in Shelley Idaho is the greatest thing in the world. I think it was the pit of mashed potatoes that did the trick. (see above link) As we drove home from work today, right after we avoided our near death experience with the squirrel I was shocked to hear that he is committed to jumping in Bonnie and making the trek to the annual day of fun. I have never seen anyone so excited to go to Idaho but he has it all planned out. We are going to leave work and maybe even get out early, and drive until we reach heaven as we know it. He is completely cool with going there one day and coming back the next. His excitement was so large that he let me know as soon as he got home that his wife gave him the go ahead. Lucky for you my faithful blog readers, Bonnie fits 6, so if you are up for being on our tug-a-war team over a pit of mashed potatoes we'll be leaving Friday the 19th of September in the year of our Lord 2008 around 6 pm but maybe sooner. Oh yeah the best part is I'll be there to celebrate my little sista's 16th birthday. Have you eaten your Russet today?


rick said...

Austin your blog is even better than mine... and that's tough to beat my friend.. i do agree that the best summers were the ones were i would go visit the lovely state of idaho and eat of of the Bird's hot dogs.. a couple blogs down it says jenni is your favorite cuz?!?! Uh i believe i have a school pic of you and on the back it says and i quote"to rick best cousins forever"! i still want to believe this

Jennikunz said...

I think I am just his favorite girl cousin..

right Austweno?

Hayley said...

i haven't eaten my russet for the day. i was in a discussion about spuds with someone the other day and they were astonished that we really do have honkin' big shoe-sized taters in shelley, id. come to spud day peeps and see for yourself.

The Cardon's said...

Austin- I believe you referred to shelley as "heaven"- however, you told me I was crazy for saying "just another day in paradise". Stay till Sunday and we can bless Cannon while you are here!